What To Expect
some basic information on what a typical Sunday looks like
(service starts at 10:00AM)
The main entrance faces Washington Street, which will bring you into the welcome center. Ground-level access is available from the sidewalk on Washington Street. And once you've entered, our greeters will be more than happy to assist with any questions you may have.
We believe children should be seen and heard. So we try our best to support families in their desire to worship together, as well as for parents to have some "grown-up" time apart from their kids. On most Sundays children K-5th are invited to participate in C2KIDS (children's church) following the morning greetings and opening praise segment. For children wanting to stay with their parents in the worship center, there are hands-on activities located at the back. We ask you simply assist with monitoring your little ones.
Childcare is available from the start of worship for families with infants and toddlers. And our youth typically remain for the duration of the service. Youth are encouraged to get involved and help with our various teams (tech, choir, band, greeters, etc.).
Business casual, denim, or flip-flops. Come in clothes comfortable to you. There's a good chance someone on staff will be dressed similarly!
Similar to dress, sing or listen, clap and stomp. However the music moves you, our style of worship is best described as contemporary with a side of tradition. And our hope is that in worship together, God meets you as you are, and then moves you deeper and closer still. Let everything that breathes praise the LORD! Praise the LORD! Psalm 150:6